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Long Pepper/Pippali / Piper longum Benefits for Health. If you have a little bit knowledge of Ayurveda or about ayurvedic medicines then you probably heard about Long Pepper. In India, this pepper is also known as ‘Indian long pepper’ in English and traditionally it is mentioned as Pippali in Hindi, The sanskrit name for this spice is Pippali, Vaidehi, Magadhi and Krishna, The botanical name of long pepper is Piper longum.and other native languages will surely have different names.
Its usage and popularity are not limited to a single country or a continent as the wide usage in both food and medicines make it an international spice. Indian long pepper or simply Pippali contains a volatile and fragrant oil. Chemicals like piplatin, seen in and pipla-sterol are also present in the fruit of this plant. Every part of this plant has great medicinal properties especially its fruits (the berries) and the roots. The root contains chemical compounds such as glucosides, pipelartin, piperin, steroids, and piperlonguminin.
It belongs to the family of black and white pepper it also have bitter, hot and warm properties. You can’t believe what an amazing pepper it is. Therefore we are here with its benefits.
Long Pepper/Pippali / Piper longum Benefits for Health
1. A Cure for Liver Ailments
A healthy liver is necessary for proper digestion but our wrong eating and drinking habits create a huge problem. The oily fast food or commonly called Junk food releases toxins which, if not digested properly affect the functioning and health of the liver. Long Pepper can help you with this as its consumption has a healing effect on the damaged and overworked human liver. It also helps in the elimination of the toxins produced by such oily fast foods consumption.
2. For Headache
For treating headache you can prepare a home remedy too. Firstly take equal quantities of black pepper, raisin, long pepper, and ginger root and then grind them to a powdered form. Then cook this powdered mix in butter. Then simply strain the prepared mix and give to the patient. Or grind some fresh long pepper adding some water and make a paste. You can apply the paste on forehead.
3. Weight Loss
Excess Body weight is bad and a big reason for many cardiovascular and respiratory problems. Don’t get too excited by consuming these peppers as they will not eat your excessive fat in seconds but surely they will help you with the burning of fatty acids without causing any side effects. Add it to your food to deal with the fatty acids in a healthy, natural and a delicious way.
4. Helpful for Diabetics
Diabetes is definitely a big health issue for the people of almost every age. It is one of the worst diseases which affect the functioning of the whole body. In India, it costs too much to have a proper cure of this disease. Ayurveda has suggested an amazing remedy for this as the ayurvedic and physicians from AYUSH suggests consuming Long Pepper as it aids Insulin production. It further regulates the rate at which glucose is released into the human blood. Its regular consumption is suggested to all type of Diabetes patients.
5. Prevents Bacterial Infections
Bacterial infections can also be prevented and cured by consuming Long pepper. In warm and humid climate especially during rains, Bacterial infections can be a big health issue. These infections include upset stomach, vomiting and can also cause inflammation of sinus cavity. You can easily prevent such uneasy problems by following an easy solution I.e. by having Long pepper. The medicinal properties of this ayurvedic plant will surely benefit you in preventing bacterial infections.
6. Cures Cough
Long pepper or Pippali consumption is a well known natural remedy for the cure of cough. We are mentioning here what you should do. To prepare the medicine at home just take 1or 2 grams of long pepper then fry it in fresh desi ghee. Don’t deep fry it. Use only a pinch of ghee to do this. Then let it cool down and then swallow it in one go. If you are having a sore throat and looking for a home remedy then try by mixing long pepper and honey and swallow it for instant relief.
7. Treatment for Indigestion
Indigestion is a very common problem nowadays. We are not claiming the 100% benefit but the consumers of Long pepper suggest that it is a great remedy for indigestion. Pippali contains certain chemicals which have a soothing effect on the stomach and thus are very helpful in the treatment of indigestion. To prevent this problem simply add some long pepper powder in your meal while cooking.
8. Fever
Long pepper is also recommended to reduce fever. Have a warm long pepper soup if you are having a fever. This will help bring down the body temperature and if you are dealing with a sore throat, it will give you instant relief from that as well. The antiseptic and antibiotic properties of long pepper make it one of the best remedy to deal with fever.
9. Toothache
Long pepper is a good remedy to deal with toothache naturally. Just make a paste of long pepper by adding some water and salt. Now simply apply this paste over the gum area which is having pain and inflammation. Let this paste sit there for at least an hour. You will feel the relief.
10. For Insomnia
Insomnia, a well-known sleep disorder can be cured by preparing the following medicine at home using Long pepper as an important ingredient. First take 1-3 gm Long pepper root and Grind it to the powdered form of with sugar. Double amount of jaggery can also be used in place of sugar crystals. Consume this prepared mix twice a day. It will also cure digestion-related disorders.
11. Treats Diarrhea
We know that long pepper has many benefits for indigestion, similarly it also works wonders to treat diarrhea. If you are suffering from diarrhea just drink some long pepper soup to soothe your stomach and get relief from it.
12. Reduces Asthma Attacks
Adding long pepper in your daily diet can reduce the intensity or frequency of an asthma attack. This doesn’t make it a replacement for the medicines, so make sure you continue with your medicines.
Long Pepper/Pippali Piper longum Side-effects
Long pepper is very useful and beneficial in many ways. It is easily available or you can buy related medicines from Herbal medical stores. As anything should not consumed without knowing the side effects It has some precautions too.
Pregnant women or lactating women should avoid the over consumption of long pepper or the products related to it. It’s hot nature can be harmful.
Consult a medical supervisor as if skin rashes and other allergies occur.
It may also result raise in body temperature or intestinal inflammation
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